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Agave cupreata --Papalome Agave--

Agave cupreata --Papalome Agave--

Native to the Mexican states of Guerrero and Michoacán, this midsized species with blue green leaves grows in high elevation oak forest between 1500 and 2000 m (4900 to 6600 ft.). It prefers full sun and can take high heat, drought and considerable freezes in winter.Cultural RequirementsSun Exposure Full sun from early ageLight shade when youngLight shade in dry, hot climatesFrost Tolerance ModerateWater Requirements ModerateDrought Tolerance YesWind Tolerance HighAppearanceGrowth Form Perennial Rosette PlantSucculentOrnamental Value BeautifulUsesProperties Blue/SilverEvergreenHazards SpinyGardening LandscapingOrnamentalAgriculture/Forestry Fire Resistant

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