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BANANA 'Blood' --Musa x. 'Makira Blood'--

BANANA 'Blood' --Musa x. 'Makira Blood'--

A most exhilarating discovery from rainforests on the remote Island of Makira in the Solomon Islands, this banana has perhaps the most intensely colored sap of any plant. It is a medium-sized plant that produces small clusters of slender, black pseudostems to about 5 m tall. When cut it can be seen that the stem is intensely deep black throughout, with purplish to dark red sap dripping out. The inflorescence has green bracts and produces fruits that not only turn bright red when ripe but that also have red flesh that is edible and fairly decent tasting. Musa sp. 'Makira Blood' will grow best in tropical climates and should make a fascinating ornamental plant.Cultural RequirementsSun Exposure Full sun from early ageLight shade when youngLight shade in dry, hot climatesLight shade in all climatesFrost Tolerance NoneWind Tolerance LowAppearanceGrowth Rate FastGrowth Form Herbaceous TreeOrnamental Value One of a kindUsesProperties ColorfulEvergreenMonoeciousHazards Child and Pet FriendlyGardening OrnamentalProducts/Economic Dye

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