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COPAL BLANCO --Bursera copallifera--

COPAL BLANCO --Bursera copallifera--

A beautiful, dry deciduous small tree rarely more than 5 m tall with finely pinnate, feathery foliage, lead grey bark and wonderfully aromatic wood and a reddish resin that is used medicinally as incense and as a varnish. Bursera copallifera is native to dry deciduous forest and scrubland in southern Central Mexico between 300 and 2000 m. In cultivation it makes a wonderful, robust and drought tolerant ornamental tree for warm temperate and dry tropical climates. It can also be grown as a bonsai.Cultural RequirementsSun Exposure Full sun from early ageLight shade when youngFrost Tolerance ModerateWater Requirements LowDrought Tolerance YesWind Tolerance ModerateAppearanceGrowth Rate ModerateGrowth Form Small TreeShrubOrnamental Value BeautifulUsesProperties DeciduousScentGardening BonsaiLandscapingOrnamentalPottedFood/Medicinal MedicinalProducts/Economic DyeWood Light WoodPale Wood

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