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Carpobrotus edulis --Edible Ice Plant--

Carpobrotus edulis --Edible Ice Plant--

hottentot-fig, sour fig, vygie, highway ice plant, An attractive succulent with creeping stems that hold upright, succulent, triangular, green leaves and showy daisy-type, yellowish flowers. Carpobrotus edulis is a pioneer plant native to South Africa. It tolerates coastal and saline conditions and strong winds and will resist moderate freezes. Ideal for warm-temperate climates in USDA Zones 9 and 10, it makes a superb and robust ground cover even on sand and rocks.Cultural RequirementsSun Exposure Full sun from early ageFrost Tolerance ModerateWater Requirements ModerateWind Tolerance HighTolerance of Coastal Conditions YesAppearanceGrowth Rate ModerateGrowth Form SubshrubCreeperPerennialSucculentOrnamental Value BeautifulUsesProperties EvergreenFloweringGardening Ground CoverMass PlantingOrnamentalPottedFood/Medicinal Edible FruitAgriculture/Forestry Erosion Control

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