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LETTUCE 'Red Tinged Winter'

LETTUCE 'Red Tinged Winter'

(60 days) A leaf lettuce for three seasons introduced by Beth and Nathan Corymb of Meadowlark Hearth who selected and multiplied it from heirloom seed they brought from Europe. The lofty loose 10–12" compact heads with slightly ruffled leaves are green in their centers and lightly tinged with bronze toward the leaf tips. Can be harvested at 8" for “one-cut” salad leaf. Red Tinged was a hardy survivor in staffer Roberta Bailey’s overwintering test, and Hildy Danforth of Shelburne, NH, said that “it was the best I’ve seen in my fall greenhouse and I’ve grown every lettuce with the word ‘winter’ in its name.” Sow to mature in fall or late fall, or start in fall to overwinter and rally for major production in spring. Turns quite bitter in heat, so not for summer production. Cold-hardy.

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