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Hibiscus calyphyllus --Lemonyellow Rosemallow--

Hibiscus calyphyllus --Lemonyellow Rosemallow--

Here in Austin, Texas, zone 8b, it grows and blooms from late spring, throughout summer and into the fall. Rosemallow dies to the ground during a hard freeze, but returns from its roots in spring as long as it’s well-mulched.This plant is not native to North America. It hails from Central to South Africa, but has naturalized in many places in the world. I became familiar with Lemon Rosemallow when I was working at the Green Garden at Zilker Botanical Gardens (ZBG). I was researching out-of-the-ordinary, hardy, non-invasive shade bloomers that weren’t already in abundance at the Gardens. I purchased plants for the Green Garden at the excellent, locally owned Barton Springs Nursery (BSN) and one of BSN’s knowledgeable employees suggested I try Lemon Rosemallow. The employee showed me a BSN Rosemallow specimen planted under a large shade tree.The Rosemallow was full of blooms and I was smitten.A full, but loose and airy shrub, it sports large tropical-looking leaves and showcases large hibiscus-like flowers. Cultural RequirementsSun Exposure Full sun from early ageLight shade when youngFrost Tolerance LightWater Requirements ModerateDrought Tolerance YesWind Tolerance ModerateAppearanceGrowth Rate FastGrowth Form ShrubPerennialOrnamental Value BeautifulUsesProperties EvergreenFloweringGardening LandscapingOrnamentalFood/Medicinal MedicinalVegetableProducts/Economic Fiber

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