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GINGER LILY 'Spiked' --Hedychium spicatum--

GINGER LILY 'Spiked' --Hedychium spicatum--

perfume ginger This small ginger is native to mountain forests from the Himalayas to southern central China between 1500 and 2100 m (4900 and 6900 ft.). The leafy shoots produce a terminal inflorescence with dainty, white and red flowers in summer. In cultivation it likes a spot in filtered light and prefers a temperate climate. It is deciduous in winter and with mulching is hardy to USDA Zone 7.Cultural RequirementsSun Exposure Light shade when youngLight shade in dry, hot climatesLight shade in all climatesDeep shade when youngDeep shade in dry, hot climatesFrost Tolerance ExcessiveAppearanceGrowth Form Deciduous PerennialOrnamental Value PrettyUsesProperties DeciduousFloweringHazards Child and Pet FriendlyGardening Ground CoverMass PlantingOrnamentalPotted

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