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GINGER 'Malacca' --Alpinia malaccensis--

GINGER 'Malacca' --Alpinia malaccensis--

giant shell ginger A moderately large ginger to 3 m tall with huge leaves that can reach 90 cm long and 15 cm wide and a terminal inflorescence with orchid-like, waxy white flowers that have a yellow and red throat. Alpinia malaccensis is widespread in lowland and submontane forests from the eastern Himalayas to southern China and Indochina and a most desirable ornamental for tropical and most warm temperate climates.Cultural RequirementsSun Exposure Light shade in dry, hot climatesLight shade in all climatesDeep shade when youngFrost Tolerance LightWater Requirements HighWind Tolerance LowAppearanceGrowth Rate FastGrowth Form PerennialOrnamental Value BeautifulUsesProperties EvergreenScentGardening OrnamentalPottedFood/Medicinal MedicinalSpiceVegetableProducts/Economic Essential Oil

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