ONION 'Red Catawissa Walking' --Allium proliferum--
ONION 'Red Catawissa Walking' --Allium proliferum--
This famous red walking onion from Pennsylvania is a favorite historic kitchen garden variety. It may be the most perfect onion for permaculture gardens, edible landscaping, or a low-maintenance food crop! Perennial in zones 3-9, this onion can be grown reliably in almost all U.S zones.The plants, which are also known as tree onions and perennial onions, produce bulbs at both the top (bulbils) and bottom of the plant. All parts of the plant are edible. The weight of the top bulbils will eventually cause the plant to flop over in fall and take root in a new place just a few feet away; it truly “walks” across the garden over the years if you let it! We love this variety for its larger sized red bulbs and topsets that are much larger than the typical walking onion. We also appreciate this variety's long storage life. Bulbs should be planted immediately upon receiving. A truly care-free perennial vegetable!
Tags: Allium family, Archived, Da, Heirloom, Onions, Open pollinated, Perennial vegetable, Repels mosquitos, Vegetable